Open House Events

The Department of Health Information Administration holds several Virtual Open House
Event during the fall and spring semesters. In addition, this year’s AHIMA Virtual
Advocacy Summit which be held for members for only. AHIMA’s Virtual Annual Advocacy
Summit is a two-day event focused on advocacy and public policy issues linked to AHIMA’s
mission and vision. Hear from federal officials in Washington, DC about ongoing public
policy work impacting the HIM profession and meet with Members of Congress during
Virtual Capitol Hill visits. Participants will earn 12 CEUs.
Events | AHIMA
Mentoring Program

The Department of Health Information Administration has created opportunities for
voluntary and mutually agreed upon alumni-student mentoring. Alums are matched with
current students in the program. Time commitment is reasonable and tailored to the
needs of both individuals. If you are willing to assist with the development of our
future colleagues, please, go to the Alumni Tab and complete an Alumni Update form
declaring your level of volunteerism.
HIA 30th Anniversary
The Department of Health Information Administration celebrated its’ 30th Anniversary
on September 19, 2009. More than 50 persons attended the banquet on campus including
alumni, students and other guests. Four of the six program chairs were present including
Roland Dale, first program chair. Alums are asked to submit change of contact information
using the Alumni Update. You can also consider volunteering for the planning of our
fortieth (40) Anniversary Planning Team through the Alumni Update Tab.
Please, help us stay CONNECTED with you!